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Abductive Reasoning by Children 

Heidi Kloos 1 , Guy Van Orden 2 

CAP Center for Cognition, Action, and Perception, Department of Psychology, University of Cincinnati 

Cincinnati OH, USA 

'; 2 guy. van. orden® 

Abstract- Children can link facts and events into integrated 
beliefs. This ability of the mind to combine facts to form higher- 
order Gestalts is central to many cognitive activities, including 
problem solving, analogical reasoning, and creative thought. In 
fact, it is central to the abduction of meaning: the creation of a 
self-sustaining pattern of ordered facts that are combined in the 
larger Gestalt. Abduction has mostly escaped experimental 
investigation, possibly because it often emerges instantly and 
non-linearly, and is thus difficult to trace with traditional models 
of cognition. In the current paper, we take steps towards filling 
this gap, using ideas from nonlinear dynamics and complexity 
science. The assumption is that products of abductive reasoning 
can emerge from competing sources of constraint, namely 
constraints that favor local facts (and contradict a congruent 
Gestalt) versus constraints that favor the congruent Gestalt (and 
override contradictory local facts). The experiments reviewed in 
this paper exploit situations of such conflicting constraints. The 
goal is, first, to provide evidence of congruent-Gestalt constraints 
in young children, and second, to explore the interaction among 
competing constraints. The outcome is a qualitative evaluation of 
parameter dynamics, the dynamics of a control parameter of 
abductive reasoning. 

Keywords-Abduction; Reasoning; Nonlinear Dynamics; 
Constraints; Parameter Dynamics 


Charles Saunders Pierce coined the term abduction to refer 
to the essential capacity of a person to form innovative 
interpretations, to bring together otherwise separate empirical 
facts or events (cf. [2] ). Abduction has been linked to mental 
phenomena such as insight and the discovery of facts as 
patterns in data, abstraction of hidden properties, diagnosis of 
causes of events, and the evaluation of competing 
explanations (e.g., for reviews see [ ' 34] ). Yet, the empirical 
study of abduction has focused largely on adult reasoning, 
with little explicit investigation of abductive reasoning in 
children. This is surprising given that children early on can 
organize facts into coherent ideas (e.g., [9 ' "' 15 ' 22 ' 40, 41] ). For 
example, they can make causal inferences after only short 
demonstrations (e.g., see , for a review), and they can form 
beliefs about the behavior of objects in laboratory 
demonstrations [14] . Even infants appear to abduct ideas about 
systematic patterns over time, ignoring features that do not fit 
within those patterns (cf. [1 ' 7] ). 

Perhaps these early attempts of children to create meaning 
are not be sufficiently rational to fit the common definition of 
abduction. They might be based on associative processes with 
little explicit hypothesis generating on the part of a child (cf., 
[29] ). We nevertheless should not rule them out as abductive 
reasoning, given that they lead to unified beliefs and causal 
explanations. In other words, it might not be necessary to tie 
abductive reasoning to explicit rationality. Following Pierce's 
definition, we define abduction instead in terms of its product, 
not the hypothesized cognitive process that gives rise to 
abduction. Specifically, abduction is the emergence of a 
coherent organization among facts and events. Such 

emergence of coherence could happen instantaneously, 
analogous to a Gestalt phenomenon [351 , or it could involve the 
piece-meal construction of relations one by one (cf. [5 ' 6I ). And 
emergent coherence can involve different levels of abstraction, 
ranging from what we commonly think of perception to what 
is typically discussed under abstract thought, all the way to 
explicit comparisons of hypotheses. This necessarily broad 
view of abduction makes it possible to develop a description 
of abductive performance without first assuming a particular 
cognitive process. The hope is to better understand how 
young children organize separate facts and events into the 
larger wholes of coherent ideas. 

To describe abductive reasoning, we borrow ideas from 
the framework of nonlinear dynamics and complexity science. 
This framework has been applied repeatedly to questions of 
children's development, including motor development (e.g., 

r-> f-t nil 

), the A-not-B error (e.g., ), early language development 
(e.g., [37] ), spatial reasoning (e.g., [2?I ), and problem solving . 
The general idea is that a qualitative change in performance 
need not be singly caused, but instead results from changes 
among multiple sources of constraints favoring one or another 
performance outcome. We first illustrate what we mean by 
constraints and then review empirical findings with children 
to demonstrate how a constraint-based description can capture 
a large body of findings. 

A. Constraints and Control Parameters 

Our starting point is the assumption that multiple sources 
of constraint determine the degrees of freedom for thought 
and action, constraints that can be summarized in control 
parameters. Applied to infant stepping behavior, for example, 
the sources of constraints pertain to gravity and the mass of an 
infant's legs on the one hand, and the muscle strength of the 
legs and the infant's willful control of the legs on the other 
hand. These constraints can be summarized in a ratio of 
competing forces to define an idealized control parameter of 
stepping behavior (cf., [20 ' 391 ). In other words, a control 
parameter for stepping behavior is concisely summarized by 
the ratio of the weight of the baby's legs relative to the 
strength of the baby's legs. Despite being a simplification of 
the larger system in which control is realized, the data fit this 
conceptualization: Soon after being born, when the legs are 
still light, most infants can raise their legs in stepping 
behaviour (i.e., [lighter legs]/ [strong enough muscles] = 
[stepping behavior]). However, as the infant grows, the 
concomitant increases in leg mass may exceed the increase in 
the legs' muscle strength, eliminating stepping behaviour for a 
period of time (i.e,. [heavier legs]/ [not strong enough muscles] 
= [no stepping behavior]). Later, the increasingly stronger leg 
muscles reach a point wherein the strength of the legs 
surpasses their mass, allowing the child to step (i.e., [heavier 
legs]/ [strong enough muscles] = [stepping behavior]). 

To understand abduction, we seek a similar ratio of 
constraints that we envision as a control parameter capturing 

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9 © World Academic Publishing 

Review of Psychology Frontier 


the tradeoff among constraints that might bring about 
qualitative changes in a child's thought. As mentioned, 
abduction brings about congruent Gestalt-like organizations 
of facts and events. We take this definition to imply the 
existence of constraints that favor such global or macro-scales 
of organization and the first experiment corroborates that 
these constraints exist in young children. We then exploit 
circumstances in which constraints favoring congruent 
Gestalts indeed lead to congruent thought, although they do 
not exist in the facts at hand. We explore manipulations 
affecting the salience of local facts, which turn affect 
children's creation of false Gestalts (i.e., Gestalts that 
compete with local facts). 

Like stepping behavior, then, abduction may include a 
competition among mutually exclusive constraints — 
constraints on different levels of organization that cannot both 
met at the same time. The following formula summarizes the 
tradeoff between such competing constraints as a ratio of a 
control parameter A: 

Constraints Sustaining Integrity of Local Facts 
A = (1) 

Constraints toward Global Congruence among Facts 

To make these ideas more concrete, consider a scenario in 
which the local elementary fact pertains to a person's attitude 
towards traveling. The person might like to travel, or not - 
neither attitude by itself inviting a higher-order Gestalt. Now 
add a second person to the scenario. This second person's 
attitude towards traveling might match with that of the first 
person (e.g., both individuals like travelling), or not (e.g., one 
person likes to travel, while the other person does not). 
Congruent attitudes arise in the first case, when both people 
feel the same towards traveling, but not in the second case, 
when only one of them likes to travel. 

To take this scenario one step further, add the attitude of 
one person towards the other. The two individuals might like 
each other, or dislike each other. Each of the individual 
attitudes (i.e., towards each other and towards traveling) can 
be thought of as local facts. But when combined, an even 
higher-order congruency becomes possible, namely that of 
transitive congruence among three attitudes. This congruent 
Gestalt is present, for example, when the two people like each 
other and they both like traveling. It is also present when the 
two people like each other, and they both dislike traveling, or 
when the two people dislike each other, and they disagree 
about traveling. Figure 1 shows two congruent attitude 
examples in schematic form, as well as two incongruent 
examples, namely when the two people like each other, but 
have opposite attitudes towards traveling. 

The scenario of attitudes illustrates several aspects of what 
is called a control hierarchy (cf. [381 ). First, sources of 
constraint are nested hierarchically, from the most elementary 
to the most global. Individual attitudes are treated as local 
elements, nested within the pattern of two-relation match, 
nested in turn within the pattern of three -relation congruence. 
One can even imagine that an isolated attitude is a pattern of 
some sort, namely one that combines individual instances of 
travel events into a unified belief. And one can even image 
that the three -relation congruence is an element of some sort, 
for example of a higher-order theory of relationships stability. 
In studying abduction, one may demarcate a particular level 
of unified facts, with the idea that the same principles should 
hold when another level is considered in the hierarchy of 
nested Gestalts. 

Second, the scenario of attitudes illustrates how 
constraints may affect abduction. As long as only one single 
attitude is considered, constraints toward reproducing that 
single fact are straightforward, deriving from what we know 
about remembering single facts. But when two or more facts 
are to be kept in mind, abduction of higher-level relationships 
becomes possible, and interactions between facts may shape 
the abductive outcomes. For example, it is easier to remember 
congruent facts than facts that create some mismatch among 
each other (cf, [101 ). In fact, constraints toward forming 
congruent relations among facts may even overwhelm 
constraints that otherwise sustain elementary facts of the 
matter, in which case elementary facts are misremembered in 
favor of a congruent abductive outcome. In this latter scenario, 
the constraints favoring veridical elementary facts oppose the 
constraints favoring congruent relations among facts, creating 
the ratio of opposing constraints illustrated in Formula 1. 

Mary — likes Victor Mary 



Mary — likes 

Victor Mary 


\ / 
Not Traveling 

likes Victor 


Not Traveling 

Not Traveling 

Fig. 1 Schematic representation of attitudes that are either congruent among 
each other (marked with a red circle) or incongruent (marked with a blue x-ed 


'Mary' and 'Victor' stand for two persons who either like or dislike each 
other, and who each either like or dislike traveling. 

B. Overview of Reviewed Studies 

In what follows, we describe five studies that examined 
children's capacity to remember correctly the details of local 
facts'. First, by reducing or eliminating constraints that favor 
the integrity of local facts, we shed light on the constraints 
that favor abduction of congruent higher-order Gestalts. 
Second, by pitting weak versus strong local constraints 
against the constraints that favor congruent Gestalts, we 
reveal the flexible nature of the child's mind to either abduct 
the higher-order congruent Gestalt or not. 

Instead of attitudes, the reviewed studies use feature 
correlations as elementary facts. Replace the previous social 
world of two people and their feelings about travel, with a 
world of objects that differ in mass, volume, and the rate at 
which they sink to the bottom of a water tank. A set of 
plausible local facts about these objects might include a 
positive correlation between mass and volume (e.g., heavier is 
bigger), a positive correlation between mass and sinking 
speed (e.g., heavier is faster), and a positive correlation 
between volume and sinking speed (e.g., bigger is faster). 
These three local facts are globally congruent among each 
other, as shown schematically in Figure 2a. Other examples of 

Parts of these findings were published in 

RPF Vol. 1 Iss. 2 2012 PP. 1- 9 © World Academic Publishing 


Review of Psychology Frontier 


congruent facts include heavier is bigger, heavier is slower, 
and bigger is slower (Figure 2b); or heavier is smaller, 
heavier is faster, and smaller is faster. But a single change in 
the facts in evidence can eliminate the globally congruent 
order. For example, a set of locally possible but globally 
incongruent facts would be heavier is bigger, heavier is faster, 
and bigger is slower (see Figure 2c). 



Fig. 2 Schematic representation of feature correlations, each pertaining to a 
set of objects 

The correlations are either congruent among each other (marked with a red 
circle) or incongruent (marked with a blue x-ed circle). 

A general outline of our predictions was derived using 
Formula 1. The presence of constraints sufficiently strong to 
sustain local facts yield a numerator greater than its 
denominator, therefore yielding a value f or A > 1 . In contrast, 
the presence of weak local constraints, insufficiently strong to 
sustain local facts, would yield a numerator smaller than the 
denominator, yielding a value for A < 1. The A = 1 case 
reflects either a case in which local and global constraints are 
aligned together to support veridical performance equivalently. 
Or it reflects a case in local and global constraints oppose 
each other, but are exactly equal in strength. Both of these 
cases are uninteresting for the current purposes. The former 
one would make it impossible to determine whether children 
have detected the Global patterns. And the latter case is an 
unstable, so-called saddle point that degenerates into A > 1 or 
A < 1 with the slightest perturbation. It would produce a 
random pattern of performance respecting neither local nor 
global constraints overall. 

Local constraints can be brought under experimental 
control in order to test for empirical outcomes consistent with 
our predictions derived from Formula 1. We review five 
experiments that implement such manipulations. The first 
experiment creates a scenario in which local constraints are 
missing altogether (i.e., children have to make a guess a about 
a local fact). In the second experiment, local constraints are 
weak, in that children have to learn two opposite correlations 
(analogous to learning that two people have opposite attitudes 
towards travel). The third experiment adds a condition in 
which local constraints are strong, in that children have to 
learn two matching correlations (analogous to learning that 
two people feel the same about travel). Finally, the last two 
experiments replicate the no-local-constraints and the weak- 
local-constraints scenarios, respectively, using a new set of 
facts - ones that are improbable, as a means of minimizing the 
influence of participants' preconceptions about what they are 
asked to learn. For each experiment, we first review the 
method and then describe the findings. 

II. Review of Experiments 

A. Experiment 1: No Local Constraints 

The method includes three main steps, two of which are 
designed to teach 4 to 5 -year-old about feature correlations, 
and the third one designed to test their beliefs at the end of the 
training phase. In particular, in the first step, a preschooler is 
shown a set of 'submarine' cylinders that differ in mass and 
volume in such a way that the heavier submarine is also the 
larger one. The child then engages in activities to learn the 
fact that heavier is bigger. In the second step, the child 
watches two submarines race to the bottom of a water tank, 
taking note of the submarine that arrives at the bottom to the 
tank first. The two cylinders differ only in mass, and they 
convey the fact that heavier is faster. In the final step, the 
preschooler is invited to play against a submarine man, the 
fantasy creature who built the submarines. The game is to 
design a submarine that will sink faster than the submarine of 
the submarine man - for example, by the child adding more 
weight to the submarine. Figure 3a gives a schematic 
representation of what such a mass trial looks like: the 
submarine of the submarine man is the standard, and the child 
can choose either a heavier weight (square with more lines) or 
a lighter weight (square with fewer lines), while the volume of 
the child's submarine is the same as that of the standard. 


Test Options 

B. Volume Trial 


Test Options 

Fig. 3 Schematic representation of the test items presented to children in 
the third step of Experiments 1 and 2 

To create a ' submarine' that would sink faster than the standard, children can 

either adjust the mass of their submarine (choosing between a heavier and a 

lighter option; A), or they can adjust the volume of their submarine (choosing 

between a larger and a smaller options, B). 

On the basis of the chosen options across trials, we can 
ascertain the child's belief of the sinking fact. For example, if 
the child consistently chooses the heavier option to make 
faster submarines, the child exhibits the fact that heavier is 
faster. Importantly, the child is also presented with volume 
trials during this third step (Figure 3b), trials in which choices 
pertain to the volume of the submarine, not mass. In other 
words, while the child has observed the effect of only one 
feature (e.g., mass) on sinking speed, testing includes both 
mass trials and volume trials. And mass trials are intermixed 
with volume trials, with no explicit instructions about having 
to make a guess. The child is simply asked to build a 
submarine that will win against the submarine man's. 
Nonetheless the absence of demonstrations about the local 
volume-sinking fact opens the door to a value of A < 1, which 
necessitates the constraints of abductive reasoning toward 
global congruence. 

To establish the existence of these global constraints, 
children participated in one of four conditions that differed in 
the mass-volume fact and the demonstrated sinking fact (for a 
schematic of the conditions, see Figure 4). The demonstrated 
sinking facts are shown as solid lines in Figure 4. And the to- 
be-guessed sinking facts are shown as dashed lines with two 
question marks. The crucial test was whether children's guess 
about the unknown sinking fact is constrained by the 

RPF Vol. 1 Iss. 2 2012 PP. 1- 9 © World Academic Publishing 


Review of Psychology Frontier 


possibility of a global congruence among all three feature 
correlations. If constrained by congruence, the children who 
learned that heavier is bigger and heavier is faster should 
guess that bigger is faster too. And the children who learned 
that heavier is bigger and bigger is slower should guess that 
heavier is slower too. Conversely, the children who learned 
that heavier is smaller and heavier is faster should guess that 
smaller is faster. And the children who learned that heavier is 
smaller and smaller is faster should guess that heavier is 

Mass-Volume Fact 

heavy = big 

heavy = small 

Sinking Fact: 
heavy = fast 

Sinking Fact: 

big = slow 

(small = fast) 

Fig. 4 Schematic representation of the four conditions of Experiment 1 

The guessed fact in each condition is marked with question marks. The other 
two facts are presented to children. 

In line with the predictions of weak local constraints, 
preschoolers were highly likely to abduct a globally congruent 
set of facts. Figure 5 shows scatterplots of children's choices 
for the sinking facts, separated by condition. The individual 
points of each scatterplot correspond to individual children (N 
= 8 per condition) and portray the proportion of "heavier" 
choices on mass trials (X-axis) and the proportion of "bigger" 
choices on the volume trials (Y-axis). Red circles mark the 
corners of the scatterplot where a child's choices would be 
100% globally congruent. As can be seen in the figure, almost 
all of the children's performance fell within the red circles (30 
out of 32). In other words, almost all of the children made 
systematic choices consistent with globally congruent facts 
anticipated from A < 1 . 

Mass-Volume Fact 

heavy = big heavy = small 
® Q — 


0.25 0.5 0.75 1 





— K- 

0.25 0.5 0.75 1 

Proportion of 'More' Choices 

® © «™ 


Proportion of 'More' Choices 





Mass Trials: 
Proportion of 'Heavier'Choices 

Fig. 5 Scatterplots of individual children's responses in Experiment 1 
(N = 8 per cell), measured in proportion of 'heavier' choices on mass trials 
and proportion of 'bigger' choices on volume trials, separated by condition 

The red circles denote the corners of the scatterplot that correspond to 
congruent facts. 

In sum, guessed sinking facts were almost always 
congruent with the other two facts, bringing mass-volume, 
mass-speed and volume-speed into Gestalt-like global 
congruence. Given that children were open to guess one of the 
facts, the local constraints of that fact were weak. Yet, 
children did not produce a random dispersion of choice 
responses; they did not guess blindly. Instead their choices 
were systematic consistent with constraints favoring 
abductions toward global congruence. This finding establishes 
the very existence of this higher-order constraint in preschool 
children. The next two experiments expand on this result by 
manipulating the relative strength of local constraints. 

B. Experiment 2: Weak Local Constraints 

Children between 4 and 7 years of age participated in a 
three-phase procedure that closely mimicked Experiment 1. 
They were first shown a set of submarines that differ in mass 
and volume (to convey a mass-volume fact). And they were 
then shown a series of submarines, racing in pairs to the 
bottom of the water tank (to convey sinking facts). Finally, 
their inductions were assessed in mass trials and volume trials, 
presented in random order. The difference from Experiment 1 
was that sinking demonstrations conveyed facts about mass 
(while volume was held constant) and volume (while mass 
was held constant). That is to say, children saw pairs of 
submarines in which the heavier one sank fastest (i.e., heavier 
is faster); and they saw pairs of submarines in which the 
bigger one sank more slowly (or the smaller one sank faster; 
smaller is faster). 

Note that the two demonstrated sinking facts are feature 
correlations with opposite signs. Mass and sinking speed 
follow a more-is-more (positive) relation, while volume and 
sinking speed follow a less-is-more (negative) relation. Given 
the heightened cognitive demand for learning opposite facts, 
we predicted that this scenario could yield weaker local 
constraints, and thus we should see children's choices during 
mass trials and volume trials to be constrained by global 

Incongruent Facts Congruent Facts 



small heay 



Fig. 6 Schematic representation of the two conditions of Experiment 2 
(incongruent-facts vs. congruent-facts condition) 

The conditions differ in whether the same two sinking facts (heavier is faster 
and smaller is faster) are congruent with the mass-volume fact (congruent- 
facts condition) or not (incongruent-facts condition). Given that children are 
asked to remember two sinking facts of opposite relations (one being positive 
and one being negative), they are expected to be constrained by higher-order 

To test this prediction explicitly, children participated in 
one of two conditions. The conditions were identical in the 
demonstrated sinking facts, but differed in whether the two 
sinking facts were congruent with the mass-volume fact 
presented to children in the first phase. Figure 6 shows a 
schematic of the two conditions. Specifically, in the globally 
incongruent-facts condition, the facts were incongruent (i.e., 

RPF Vol. 1 Iss. 2 2012 PP. 1- 9 © World Academic Publishing 


Review of Psychology Frontier 


heavier is bigger, heavier is faster and smaller is faster). And 
in the globally congruent-facts condition, the facts were 
congruent (heavier is smaller, heavier is faster, and smaller is 
faster). If children attend to the higher-order pattern of global 
congruence, they should make systematic mistakes in the 
incongruent-facts condition (because local facts conflict here 
with higher-order congruence, yielding A < 1). And they 
should be able to learn the (same) local facts in the congruent- 
facts condition (because here local facts are aligned with 
higher-order congruence, yielding A = 1). 

Incongruent Facts Congruent Facts 

-3) Q- 

0.25 0.5 0.75 

Mass Trials: 

Proportion of Heavier' Choices 

Fig. 7 Scatterplots of individual children' s responses in Experiment 2 
(N = 8 per cell), measured in proportion of 'heavier' choices on mass trials 
and proportion of 'bigger' choices on volume trials, separated by condition 

The red circles denote the corners of the scatterplot that correspond to 

congruent facts. And the grey arrows denote the corners of the scatterplot that 

correspond to correct facts. 

Figure 7 shows the scatterplots of children's individual 
performance, separated by condition (incongruent-facts, 
congruent-facts) and age group (4-5 vs. 6-7) (N = 8 per cell). 
Like before, the scatterplots portray the proportion of 
"heavier" choices on mass trials (X-axis) and the proportion 
of "bigger" choices on the volume trials (Y-axis). Red circles 
mark the corners of the scatterplot where choices would be 
100% globally congruent. And gray arrows mark the corners 
of the scatterplot where choices would be 100% correct, 
reflecting the demonstrated sinking facts. As can be seen in 
the figure, most children produced choices that were 
congruent. This means that a majority of children in the 
congruent-facts condition produced choices that were 
factually correct (62% of 4-5 year-olds and 75% of the 6-7 
year-olds), while none of the children did so in the 
incongruent-facts condition. Most children in this latter 
condition were misled to create globally congruent facts 
instead (69% of 4-5 year-olds and 88% of 6-7 year-olds). 

In sum, findings from this second experiment agree with 
the findings from Experiment 1 . Under weak local constraints, 
children made the predicted systematic choices to establish 
congruent facts in the incongruent fact condition. 

C. Experiment 3: Strong Local Constraints 

So far we have shown that young children are biased 
toward congruent facts when local constraints were either 

absent (Experiment 1) or weakened (Experiment 2). In the 
next experiment we add a condition in which constraints 
towards local facts were strong. The general procedure 
mimics the three-phase procedure of Experiment 2: 
Participants were first shown a set of submarines that differ in 
mass and volume (to convey a mass-volume fact). And they 
were then shown a series of submarines racing in pairs to the 
bottom of the water tank (to convey sinking facts). Finally, 
their abductions were assessed in mass trials and volume trials, 
presented in random order in the final phase. 

Different from Experiment 2, the details of the facts about 
sinking relations were manipulated, as a means of 
manipulating the strength of local constraints. In particular, 
the two sinking facts had opposite direction in the weak-local- 
constraints condition (heavier is faster and small is faster; 
identical to Experiment 2), and the two sinking facts matched 
in direction in the strong-local-constraints condition (heavier 
is slower and bigger is slower). Figure 8 presents a schematic 
of these two conditions. 

Weak Local 

Strong Local 






Fig. 8 Schematic representation of the two conditions of Experiment 3 (weak- 
local -constraints vs. strong-local-constraints condition) 

Both conditions involved incongruent facts. The difference pertained to 

whether participants had to learn two sinking facts of opposite directions (left 

graph) or of matching directions (right graph). 

Note that the two sinking facts were incongruent with the 
mass-volume fact in both conditions. Thus, local constraints 
were pitted against global constraint. Thus, learning two 
sinking facts of matching directions increase the ratio of 
constraints such that A > 1 . And learning two sinking facts of 
opposite relations decrease the ratio of constraints to A < 1. 
We should therefore expect to see systematically mistaken 
choices to create global congruence in the weak-local- 
constraints condition, but less so in the strong-local- 
constraints condition. Participants included children between 
5 and 9 years of age, as well as adults. Figure 9 shows the 
scatterplots of individual participants' performance (again 
plotting mass-trials performance against volume-trials 
performance), separated by condition (weak- vs. strong-local- 
constraints) and age group (5-9-year-olds vs. adults). 

Red circles mark the corners of the scatterplot where 
choices would be 100% globally congruent; and gray arrows 
mark the corners of the scatterplot where choices would be 
100% correct with the demonstrated sinking facts. Note first 
the patterns of responses of the children (top row), focusing 
on the correct versus congruent corners of the graph (gray 
arrows vs. red circles). Confirming our prediction, children in 
the weak-local-constraints condition were more likely to 
create congruent facts than children in the strong-local- 
constraints condition. And vice versa, children in the weak- 
local-constraints condition were less likely to produce correct 
facts than children in the strong-local constraints condition. 

RPF Vol. 1 Iss. 2 2012 PP. 1- 9 © World Academic Publishing 


Review of Psychology Frontier 


Weak Local Strong Local 

Constraints _ ^ Constraints 

*e i e- 

0.25 0.5 0.75 1 . 25 0.5 0.75 1 

Mass Trials: 
Proportion of 'Heavier' Choices i 

Fig. 9 Scatterplots of individual participants' responses in Experiment 3, 

measured in proportion of 'heavier' choices on mass trials 

and proportion of 'bigger' choices on volume trials, separated by condition 

and age group 

The red circles denote the corners of the scatterplot that correspond to 

congruent facts. And the grey arrows denote the corners of the scatterplot that 

correspond to correct facts. 

Adults, by contrast, were not affected by constraints 
toward congruence in either of the conditions (bottom row of 
Figure 9). Their choices correctly reproduced the 
demonstrated sinking facts whether these facts were sustained 
by weak or strong constraints, suggesting that their 
susceptibility to creating global congruent facts differs from 
that of children. Decreased susceptibility to higher-order 
congruence may come in part from more stable beliefs about 
physics (e.g., the belief that heavier objects cannot possibly 
sink more slowly than lighter objects). Watching 
demonstrations in which this belief was contradicted (strong- 
local-constraints condition) might have weakened local 

To sum up, the goal of Experiment 3 was to test for 
changes in performance due to the strength of local 
constraints, and we confirmed the expected interplay between 
local and global constraints. Experiment 3 also included a 
direct replication of findings from Experiment 2 across a 
wider age range: 5 to 9-year-old made choices creating 
higher-order congruence, in the face of weak local constraints. 
Lastly, adults differed from children, making choices 
consistent with demonstrated facts in all cases. The final two 
experiments are conceptual replications using arbitrary 
relations as facts. 

D. Experiment 4: Conceptual Replication I 

"A transformer was found on a far-away planet. If you put 
something in on one end, something different will come out 
on the other end." This cover story justified local facts that 
combine completely arbitrary features. The specific features, 
chosen to have little or nothing in common, pertained to (1) 
the size of a cartoon mouse, (2) the darkness of a cloud, and 
(3) the depth of a bowl (with no change in volume). Note that 
these features have dimensional properties, in that they have a 

'more' pole (big; dark; deep), and a 'less' pole (small; light; 
shallow) 2 . As such we could create the fact of a 'positive' 
correlation (e.g., bigger is darker) or the fact of a 'negative' 
correlation (e.g., bigger is lighter). These facts were 
demonstrated through a series of movies, showing, for 
example, a big or a small mouse entering the transformer and 
emerging as a dark or a light cloud, respectively. 

The design was a combination of Experiment 1 (when 
participants had to guess a fact) and Experiment 3 (when they 
were presented with two facts that either matched in direction 
(strong-local-constraints condition) or had opposite directions 
(weak-local-constraints condition). The general procedure 
consisted of a demonstration phase and a testing phase. 
During demonstrations, participants were presented with 
movies conveying two separate facts. For example, 
participants learned a size-darkness fact and a depth-darkness 
fact. Importantly, in the strong-local-constraints condition, 
these two facts matched in direction (e.g., bigger is lighter, 
deeper is lighter ). And in the weak-local-constraints 
condition, these two facts had opposite directions (e.g., bigger 
is darker, deeper is lighter). Analogous to Experiment 3, the 
idea was that opposite facts yield weaker local constraints 
than matching facts. As a result, the matching-facts scenario 
yields a ratio of constraints A > 1, while the opposite-facts 
scenario yields a ratio of A < 1 . We therefore expected to see 
more choices creating congruent facts in the weak-local- 
constraints condition (when children are exposed to opposite 
facts) than in the strong-local-constraints condition (when 
children are exposed to matching facts). 

During testing, participants were presented with choices to 
decide on a particular fact. For example, they were presented 
with a dark-grey cloud and a light-grey cloud and asked: 
"Which cloud will the big mouse turn into?" Importantly, 
while only two facts were demonstrated to participants, 
beliefs about all three facts were assessed, requiring that one 
fact be guessed. Using the example from above, participants 
who saw the size-darkness fact and the depth-darkness fact in 
demonstrations were not only asked about these two facts 
during testing, but also asked about the size-depth fact, which 
was not demonstrated beforehand. 

We again created scatterplots displaying the proportion of 
'more' ('darker,' 'deeper,' or 'bigger') choices made by a 
participant (see Figure 10). Red circles represent choices 
yielding 100% congruent facts 4 . As can be seen in the figure, 
children were rather overwhelmed by having to learn arbitrary 
relations: many of them did not make consistent choices 

Note that the identified 'more' pole is somewhat arbitrary in the 
case of darkness and depth. For achromatic color, for example, one 
could easily imagine the 'more' pole to refer to lighter, rather than to 
darker (cf., ). And for depth, the deepest bowl was less wide than 
the shallowest bowl, meaning that the identified 'more' pole (for 
depth) corresponded to a 'less' pole (for width). To circumvent the 
arbitrariness of what we considered to be the 'more' vs. 'less' pole of 
a feature, the direction of the poles of each dimension were explicitly 
taught to children. 

" Relations of matching directions could be both positive, and both 
negative. However, we again only focused on the two-negative- 
relations case - to be consistent with what was done in Experiment 3 
with sinking objects. 

The content of the third fact differed from participant to participant. 
It was the fact for which participants consistently picked the 'less' 

RPF Vol. 1 Iss. 2 2012 PP. 1- 9 © World Academic Publishing 


Review of Psychology Frontier 


across trials of a fact. Nevertheless, the effect of condition 
was still visible: There were more 'congruent' participants in 
the weak-local-constraints condition (80% of adults, 30% of 
children) than in the strong-local-constraints condition (70% 
of adults, 15% of children). And this finding might mask the 
true effect of condition, given that participants - to be 
congruent - had to guess a negative correlation in the weak- 
local-constraints condition (and a positive correlation in the 
strong-local-constraints condition). Young children rarely 

produce negative correlations spontaneously (e.g. 

[13, 18,30] 


such directional bias could have been balanced out, the effect 
of condition might have been even stronger. 

Weak Local 
Constraints i 

Strong Local 
_ Constraints 



CD - 

.9 "5 

to c 
o 2 


0.25 0.5 0.75 





0.25 0.5 0.75 

Relation 1 Trials: 
Proportion of 'More' Choices 

Fig. 10 Scatterplots of individual participants' responses in Experiment 4, 

measured in proportion of 'more' choices for two of the three facts (referred 

to as Relations 1 and 2), separated by condition and age group 

Performance on the third fact is not displayed here. It was the fact that a 

participant believed to be a negative relation. Given that the direction of the 

third fact was fixed, we are able to denote the corners of the scatterplot that 

correspond to congruent facts (marked with red circles). 

In sum, the findings of this experiment provide further 
support for our conceptualization of abduction. In a context in 
which feature correlations were arbitrary, and participants had 
to guess one of the facts - one that was not presented during 
training - we found a stronger bias toward congruent facts in 
the weak-local-constraints condition than the strong-local- 
constraints condition for both children and adults. Children's 
bias towards congruent facts was weaker overall (possibly 
because they had difficulty with the arbitrariness of the facts), 
while adults were biased by congruence in both conditions. 

E. Experiment 5: Conceptual Replication II 

In this final experiment, we return to a domain of plausible 
facts to strengthen the manipulation of weak versus strong 
local constraints. The goal was to replicate the findings of 
Experiment 3 with a set of feature correlations for which 
children are unlikely to have strong a-priori beliefs. Rather 
than using sinking objects that differ in mass and volume, we 
used composite objects that differed in two measures of 
extension, each of which affected the size of the shadow cast 
by the object. Facts about how the size of an object affects the 

size of its shadow are physically meaningful, yet children are 
unlikely to have strong beliefs about these facts. 

The left side of Figure 11 shows schematics of the two 
settings used in this experiment. In both settings, the outcome 
feature pertains to the size of the shadow cast by a disc 
(represented schematically with an arrow on the projection 
screen). And in both settings, the size of the shadow was 
affected by the sizes of two shapes, attached perpendicularly 
to each other. In the setting shown in the top row of Figure 11, 
the two shapes pertained to the projected disc and a 'base' 
(which determined the distance between disc and light source. 
And in the setting shown in the bottom row of Figure 1 1, the 
two shapes pertained to the base (which again determined the 
distance between disc and light source) and a 'tower' (which 
determined the height of the light source). The arrows on 
these shapes, shown in Figure 11, represent how their size 
varied. The sizes of the two shapes affect shadow size either 
in opposite ways (weak local constraints, top row of Figure 
11), or in matching ways (strong local constraints; bottom row 
of Figure 11). 

The method was conceptually similar to that of 
Experiment 3: A demonstration phase showed preschoolers 
how the composite shapes affect the size of the projected 
shadow. Children were shown a set of composite shapes for 
which the sizes of the two component shapes were correlated. 
In particular, the sizes correlated either positively (e.g., more 
disc is more base) or negatively (e.g., more disc is less base). 
The correlation was chosen to be either congruent or 
incongruent with the two shadow facts. For example, in the 
incongruent-facts and the weak-local-constraints condition 
(top left quadrant of Figure 11), the three facts were: more 
disc is more base, more disc is more shadow, and more base 
is less shadow. And in the congruent-facts and the strong- 
local-constraints condition (bottom right quadrant of Figure 
11), the three facts were: more base is more tower, more base 
is less shadow, and more tower is less shadow. 

Incongruent Facts 

Congruent Facts 

Fig. 1 1 Schematic representation of the conditions in Experiment 5 

Conditions differ in whether children are asked to learn two opposite facts 

(yielding weak local constraints; top row) or two matching facts (yielding 

strong local constraints; bottom row). And they differ in whether the facts are 

congruent among each other (right column) or incongruent (left column). 

Testing consisted of asking children to design a composite 
object that would make a bigger shadow than a standard. As 
was done in Experiment 3, children were given a choice for 
only one of the shape sizes, while the other shape size was 
held constant (analogous to mass trials and volume trials). 

The manipulation resulted in a 2x2 design, with cells 
differing in weak versus strong local constraints (shadow facts 
had either opposite or matching directions, respectively), and 

RPF Vol. 1 Iss. 2 2012 PP. 1- 9 © World Academic Publishing 


Review of Psychology Frontier 


cells differing in congruent versus incongruent triads of facts. 
In the incongruent case, when local facts are pitted against 
global congruence, the prediction was that the strong-local- 
constraints conditions yield A > 1, while the weak-local- 
constraints conditions yield A < 1. In the congruent case, 
when local facts agreed with global congruence, both 
conditions yield A = 1, thus serving as control conditions to 
establish whether children can learn the shadow facts 
presented to them. 

Figure 12 shows children's performance in scatter plots 
corresponding to weak versus strong local constraints and 
globally congruent versus incongruent facts. Red circles 
indicate performance consistent with congruent facts, and 
gray arrows indicate correct performance, consistent with 
demonstrations. Note that red circles coincide with gray 
arrows in the congruent-facts cases, but not in the 
incongruent-facts cases. As can be seen in the figure, many 
children performed correctly in strong-local constraints 
settings (68%), but not in the weak-local-constraints settings 
(19%). More importantly, and in line with our predictions, 
performance in the incongruent-facts condition reflected a 
bias toward globally congruent facts in the weak-local- 
constraints condition (for 62% of children), but not in the 
strong-local-constraints condition (0% of children). 

Incongruent Facts Congruent Facts 

® Q - ■ 



0.25 0.5 0.75 1 g 

Disc Trials 

Proportion of More' Choices 

0.25 0.5 0.75 


Weak Local 

Strong Local 

Proportion of More' Choices 

Fig. 12 Scatterplots of individual children's responses in Exp. 5, measured in 
proportion of more' choices on each trial type 

The red circles denote the corners of the scatterplot that correspond to 

congruent facts. And the grey arrows denote the corners of the scatterplot that 

correspond to correct facts. 

Taken together, this series of five experiments reveal that 
a bias exists toward higher-order congruence that can be 
captured by changes in a ratio of constraints (values of a 
control parameter) toward local versus global order. Overall, 
this ratio predicted and organized the performance of children 
and adults, to cause-effect facts as well as to arbitrary feature 
correlations in several task contexts. 


Previous findings attest to a curious interplay between a 
child's ability to abstract a higher-order pattern of Gestalt and 
the detection of elements that compose those higher-order 
patterns. Quinn et al. [25] for example, found that infants who 
could attend to the higher-order pattern also remembered the 
individual shapes better (Experiment 3). This Ying-Yang of 

attention to local and global patterns - though far from what is 
traditionally referred to as abduction - has an important 
relation to abduction. It reflects the interdependence of 
constraints on a local level with constraints on a more abstract 
level. The current paper exploited this interplay in defining a 
ratio of constraints that could capture the emergent outcomes 
of abduction. 

Changes in constraints have been shown to capture 
systemic changes in systems of very different material 
composition, ranging from physical models of fluids and 
solids, to chemical substances, to the bodily interactions as an 
infant is learning to walk (for a review, see [201 ). Here we 
applied it to the most cognitive of human activities: abductive 
reasoning. As such, we adapted an established method from 
nonlinear dynamics to a system that has traditionally been 
explained by mental constructs alone. Such mental constructs, 
say the hierarchical representation of a knowledge domain, or 
the mental process of analogy, are intuitive. But they fail to 
capture what one might consider the essence of systemic order: 
the nature of compromise among competing forces (cf. [231 ). 
The idea of a control hierarchy and its entailed control 
parameters fills this gap. It reveals abduction as the results of 
competing sources of constraint, favoring one or another 

The empirical studies reviewed here illustrate how 
children's abductive hypotheses about the physics of a 
laboratory world can motivate a nonlinear dynamical 
description of abduction. The description centers on 
demonstrated local constraints that may increase or decrease 
the degrees of freedom for choices - which in turn open the 
possibility of observed choices reflecting the bias of induction 
toward globally congruent facts (cf., [ 61 ). Though merely a 
starting point, our review could provide a common umbrella 
for notorious context dependence of abductive inferences. It 
emphasizes the precarious balance of sources of knowledge 
that determine whether induction will result in a reliable or 
spurious higher-order Gestalt in thought and behavior. As 
such, our proposal may show the promise to reconcile 
conflicting findings about children's higher-order reasoning. 


Findings reported in this paper and preparation of the 
manuscript was funded in part by the grants from NICHD to 
HK (HD055324) and from NSF to HK (DRL #723638) and 
GVO (DHB #0728743; BCS #0642716). We are grateful to 
Roger Schvaneveldt for comments and suggestions on earlier 
version of this paper. And we thank Ramon D. Castillo for his 
editorial help. 


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